Posted by: RasmaSandra | June 7, 2024

Traveling in Africa Morocco

Rabat on the Bouregreg River

The beautiful capital of Morocco in North Africa

The capital of Morocco, Rabat sits on the shores of the Bouregreg River and the Atlantic Ocean. It is known for its landmarks of Islamic and French-colonial heritage.

A top tourist attraction is the Kasbah district. Here inside the fortress wall that dates from the 11th century, you’ll find a small and peaceful neighborhood. Here you can stroll along twisting white and blue lanes in Andalusian style.

Visit the Kasbah Mosque which was built in 1150 and is the oldest mosque in the city. This area also offers great views over to Sale and the Atlantic Ocean.

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  1. I am living in Safi, Morocco and have visited Rabat a few times and it is a charming city.

    • Lucky you living in such a beautiful place and able to visit Rabat,

  2. This is beautiful and one of my husband’s bucket list destinations! #SeniorSalonPitStop

    • Glad you enjoyed this armchair tour of a beautiful place, I hope you and your husband can get to visit,

  3. Very interesting picture of the houses high on the cliff
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    • Glad you enjoyed this, As usual cannot take credit for the photos but I always try to find the best I can, You too see you next week and hope you have a good weekend,

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