Posted by: RasmaSandra | June 24, 2024

Traveling Across the USA Maine

Portland on the Fore River

A city in the US state of Maine

Portland is a city set on a peninsula that extends into Casco Bay. The Fore River is an estuary that separates Portland and South Portland.

Take a walk along Commercial Street which stretches along the water. Here you can find many restaurants, cafes, bars, and boutiques. Locals and tourists love to walk here and catch the sea breezes, watch the ships, and see fishermen with their catches. Cobblestone streets have charming buildings from the late 19th and 20th centuries. Among the architectural gems here is the Customs House.

The Portland Observatory symbolizes Portland’s rich maritime heritage and offers fantastic views over the harbor. Its historic tower stands on Munjoy Hill. Built in 1807 the tower provided communication between ships and the shore through the use of signal flags and a telescope. Unfortunately, the telescope disappeared from the tower in 1939. It has been designated a National Historic Landmark and the 86-foot tall tower is now a museum. Guided tours are available.

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  1. Maine is lovely area. Very nice indeed!

    • It certainly is and the scent from tall pines makes you dizzy, I have traveled through all the New England States but have to say I love the lobster best in Maine.

      • I’ve had pretty darn good lobster at Cape Cod, but Maine is definitely fantastic!

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