Posted by: RasmaSandra | May 24, 2024

Traveling in Africa Malawi

Marvelous Malawi

A landlocked country in southeastern Afric

Malawi is a landlocked country in southeastern Africa. The country has a background of highlands that are split by the Great Rift Valley and huge Lake Malawi.

The capital Lilongwe is located on the Lilongwe River. It is the most populous city in Malawi.

Lilongwe Wildlife Center is Malawi’s only sanctuary for orphaned, injured, and rescued wild animals. The wildlife that makes its home here includes a one-eyed lion rescued from Romania, a python, two cobras, baboons, duikers, servals, and blue and vervet monkeys. The purpose is to rehabilitate the animals so they can go back into the wild. Visitors can wander the woodland trails and enjoy the picnic area, playground, and cafe.

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  1. Malawi is definitely a beautiful place to visit.

    • I thought so too when I saw all it had to offer visitors Pooja.

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